5 Interesting Benefits of Hiring a Real Estate Virtual Assistant

If you’re a real estate agent, you’re likely familiar with the challenges that come with running your business from home. From organizing paperwork to marketing and networking, there are many moving parts involved in being successful in your field. 

For this reason, many agents choose to hire a Real Estate Virtual Assistant (REVA) to help them manage their time and workload. While VAs can be invaluable for any agent to have on their team, here are some specific benefits of hiring one for your real estate career:

A real estate virtual assistant can handle lots of different tasks.

A real estate virtual assistant can handle lots of different tasks. Whether you’re looking to increase your sales or find new clients, a virtual assistant can help with:

  • Researching and organizing information to make it easier for you to find what your potential buyers are looking for.
  • Managing your social media accounts so that people interested in buying homes reach out directly to the correct person at the firm (you!).
  • Answering questions from potential clients so that you don’t have to waste time doing something that isn’t part of what makes money for your business.

A real estate virtual assistant is easy and affordable to hire.

You can hire a real estate virtual assistant for as little as $5 per hour. That’s right, you don’t have to pay for benefits, healthcare, or other costs that come with full-time employment. You only pay the virtual assistant when you need them and only for the hours they work.

This means that if you’re looking for someone to help with your listing marketing and social media management, but don’t necessarily need them full-time all year round, hiring a real estate virtual assistant is perfect! 

You can hire a real estate virtual assistant on demand.

One of the best benefits of hiring a real estate virtual assistant is that you can hire one on demand. You might need some help with a specific task, or you might want to work with someone on a project over the course of several weeks or months. If so, it’s easy to hire a real estate virtual assistant on an as-needed basis.

You can also find an experienced real estate virtual assistant who will work for your business on a regular basis if you prefer that kind of consistency in your working relationship.

A real estate virtual assistant has the same skills as an in-house assistant but isn’t being paid sales commissions.

A real estate virtual assistant has the same skills as an in-house assistant but isn’t being paid sales commissions.

You may ask yourself: how can this be? Why would a real estate virtual assistant want to help me sell my houses when they don’t get paid commissions? The answer is simple: because they are not motivated by commissions.

While some salespeople might be able to put aside their personal interests for the greater good of helping you sell your house fast and for a great price, many people simply aren’t able to do that. There’s no doubt that a person who wants to make as much money as possible will go above and beyond what is required in order to meet those goals—and this can have negative results on your relationship with them (and ultimately on their ability to help you).

Hiring a real estate virtual assistant makes your business more efficient and profitable.

As a real estate agent, you can easily see the benefits of hiring a virtual real estate assistant to help with your business. It is undoubtedly more efficient and profitable to have someone who can take on some of the tasks that are time-consuming for you, such as checking email, answering your phone calls, scheduling appointments, and keeping track of appointments. However, there are more benefits than just this!

A real estate virtual assistant can handle all types of work needed in your office. This includes tasks such as finding new clients and getting them in front of you while they’re still interested so that they can buy properties from you rather than someone else. 

The assistant will also help generate leads by sending out marketing materials like flyers or postcards depending on how often these will be mailed out (i.e., weekly vs monthly). They’ll also follow up with old clients so that they don’t forget about your services as well as reach out to new ones based on past experience working together/what worked best before which led most effectively toward closing deals without wasting money unnecessarily spent trying different things each time something didn’t work right away.”


While it’s easy to be skeptical of virtual assistants and think they can’t help you with your business, they actually have a lot to offer. A real estate virtual assistant can help you streamline your business, reduce stress, and make more money in the long run. 

As with any other type of employment or contractor relationship, there are pros and cons that need to be considered before making this decision. However, if done correctly with the right person for your needs then hiring an assistant(s) could mean big things for your future as an entrepreneur!


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