5 Things Every Business Owner Needs To Know Before Hiring A Virtual Assistant 

5 Things Every Business Owner Needs To Know Before Hiring A Virtual Assistant

When you are starting your business, it’s important to streamline as much of the process as possible. You want to save time and money while making sure that your employees have everything they need in order to do their jobs well. Unfortunately, this can be difficult if you don’t have much experience with hiring people or working with agencies. In this post, we will go over some tips on how to hire someone who will be working remotely for your company while still keeping everything organized and under control

Getting Started

You must trust your virtual assistant and let them do their job. You need to have faith that they can do what you need them to do without micromanaging them. However, if there is something that you think would be beneficial for them to learn, you should still give it to them as a challenge or a project. This will help keep their creativity flowing and make sure that they are always on top of their game when it comes time to take on bigger projects in the future.

Asking yourself how much time you want your VA to spend on each task is an important question before hiring one (or more). If your VA is working with multiple clients at once, then it’s possible this person won’t have enough time left over at the end of each week just for yours; therefore, being clear about how many hours per week/month/year needs to be completed will ensure things get done efficiently while keeping everyone satisfied with their workloads overall!

When offering references, first find out whether there are any legal requirements around disclosing personal information such as addresses or birth dates etcetera – some companies might request written permission before giving out contact details so don’t assume anything here either way just yet!

1. Build trust.

The foundation of any relationship is trust. You should consider your relationship with your VA as a partnership and treat her as such, by being honest and transparent about what you need from her, how much work she can expect to do, and when she can expect payment (even if it’s not a lot). 

Trusting someone requires that you be consistent in everything from paying them on time or responding to emails promptly so they know exactly where they stand with you.

2. Point out how you will help them succeed.

Once you’ve determined what tasks will be delegated, it’s important to explain how you will help your virtual assistant succeed. In other words, what is the deliverable, and what are his/her responsibilities? This should be laid out in a contract that both parties agree upon. After all, this is the only way to ensure that both parties are on the same page from start to finish.

It’s also imperative that you clearly state how much money they can expect to earn per hour and how often they’ll receive payment (weekly/monthly). You’ll want them to know exactly when they’ll be paid so there aren’t any surprises down the line when it comes time for paychecks. It would also be wise for you as a business owner not just to take into consideration what your VA can do for you, but also to think about ways in which he/she can grow their own career through working with your company

3. List what skills they will be required to have in your job post.

Make sure your VA has grasped everything and, most likely, has all the abilities you need to perform the duties needed to be accomplished each day by listing all the skills required in your job description. Clearly stating the requirements for the position, including what prior experience is required, and being clear about the credentials. 

4. Provide a detailed job description of the tasks so they can properly quote you a price for their services.

A great way to get started is by creating an extensive list of all the tasks that need to be done, including details about how you want each task completed and the skills required for each one. You can then share this with your virtual assistant so they have an idea of what’s expected of them and can quote you a fair price for their services.

5. Always ask for references and work history details as well as samples of their previous work/portfolio.

Asking for this information is a must, especially when it comes to hiring a virtual assistant. The best way to make sure you’re getting the best candidate is by asking for some examples of their past work, or at least letting you know what they specialize in and what their previous duties were at each job. If possible, ask if they have any recommendations from former employers that you can contact directly about their performance on the job.

Hiring an employee through an agency can be stressful free but make sure you understand the process first.

Hiring a virtual assistant can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t need to be. There are several ways you can go about hiring them.

If you choose to hire through an agency, then you will have the benefit of having someone else look for potential candidates for you. It is always best to hire someone who has experience in what they do especially if it’s your first time hiring one. If they have previous experience working with small businesses then that’s even better! 

You should also ask what kind of training they offer their employees as well as how long they’ve been in business so that way when it comes time to train them or give feedback on their work ethic and performance level they aren’t too overwhelmed by everything going on around them which can lead directly back into why some people say no when asked this question: “Why do people say no when asked if we want fries?”


Hopefully, this article has given you some insight into the world of hiring a virtual assistant. It’s an exciting new venture and one that can change your life for the better. If you are interested in learning more about how to successfully start your own business and hire VAs, please contact us today! We will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have about working with us at Your VA Partner.


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