5 Easy Ways to Get the Best out of your Virtual Assistant


If you’re a busy professional, you know how stressful it can be to juggle so many tasks at once. There are times when having an extra set of hands on deck would be the perfect solution. Managing a business is not an easy undertaking. 

If you are a small or medium business owner, there are so many things that can go wrong but one of the best solutions for this problem is to hire a virtual assistant (VA). However, not all virtual assistants are created equal. A VA can help with anything from data entry and customer service to accounting and marketing.

If you want the best experience possible, here’s what you need to consider:

Do Not Micromanage

Micromanaging is a common pitfall for people who work with virtual assistants. It can be difficult to let go of control, especially when you are getting used to a new way of working. However, the worst thing you can do is micromanage your VA because it will undermine their ability to be useful and efficient. Instead, focus on giving them clear instructions so they know what is expected of them and how long each task should take.

The best way to avoid micromanaging your virtual assistant is by creating processes that they follow every time they complete a task or project for you. For example: if one of your clients wants an invoice sent out on Monday morning each week, create an automated email template (or even a template word document) that contains all the information needed for this process (including dates and deadlines). This way there’s no need for back-and-forth communication about what needs changing on each invoice.

Set Clear Goals and Objectives

There are a few things you can do to ensure that your project goals and objectives are clearly understood. First, it’s important that you set them at the beginning of the project so that everyone involved is on the same page. Second, make sure you’re clear about what your goals and objectives are before sharing them with your virtual assistant. If there’s any chance that either party has misunderstood something here, ask questions until everything is crystal-clear.

You may also want to consider asking your assistant how they’re approaching their role in this project—why they think it’ll be successful and how they plan to measure its success. This will help ensure that everyone is working toward one common goal: making sure this project ends up being as good as possible!

Provide Detailed Process Maps

Process maps are a visual representation of the steps in a process. They help you understand where there is too much back and forth or where one person is doing multiple jobs instead of delegating. Process maps can also be used to identify opportunities to improve the process, perhaps by removing steps or reducing redundancy.

Process mapping software isn’t required; you can create them on paper or use tools. If you choose to go with software, consider using something that allows users to collaboratively edit documents so that your VA can add her input as she goes along. The most important thing about process mapping is that it creates buy-in—both for yourself and for your virtual assistant—so don’t be afraid to experiment until you find what works best for both parties!

Use a Key Performance Indicator (KPI)

If you’re not familiar with the term, a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a measurement of progress toward meeting a goal or an objective. It is used by companies to measure the results of an activity and make business decisions.

KPIs are usually based on some aspect of performance, such as sales volume or customer satisfaction. They can also be qualitative measures such as employee engagement or customer sentiment toward your brand. KPIs can vary depending on what you’re trying to accomplish; there are many different types of KPIs that may be useful for different goals and objectives in your business.

Communicate Frequently

Communication is an important part of the relationship between you and your VA. It’s how you get things done, and it’s also how you help your VA do its job well.

There are two ways to communicate with your virtual assistant: via email or phone calls (or even video chat). You can choose whichever one works best for you and adjust accordingly if necessary.

As for how often you should communicate with them—it depends on what kind of project they’re working on and what kind of relationship you have with them. If this is a large project that requires frequent communication in order to keep everything running smoothly, then use email or WhatsApp as much as possible; if this is a small project that runs smoothly without constant feedback from both parties then don’t worry too much about communicating every day!



The most important thing to remember is that the relationship between a virtual assistant and the person they work for is a symbiotic one. Both sides will have to make an effort in order for it to work. The more details you can provide, the more efficient your virtual assistant will become. 

On their end, your VA should be proactive about communicating with you regularly and ensuring that all of their tasks are completed as quickly as possible without sacrificing quality work.


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